US retail banking giant Chase have been aiming to show their cultural awareness. They missed the golden opportunity to launch this marketing campaign at the turn of the lunar Year of the Golden Pig, but have made up for it by running it to coincide with Chuseok.
The deal is this. You have to go in to one of their branches designated as serving the Chinese or Korean community in the US. Apparently Chase has 67 Asian-designated branches, including 31 in the New York tri-state area and others in Arizona, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey and Texas. I’m not sure whether you’re barred from this if you’re not ethnic Chinese or Korean. Probably, being the US, the diversity police would mean the offer is open to all.
You then have to open a particular type of current account — and show you are actually using it. Or, if you’re a customer already, provided you pay in a largeish sum into a deposit account you too can participate. I’m sure you can find the exact details in your local branch, so I don’t need to be too specific here.
And the prize? A 24-carat golden pig embedded in a crystal Chase logo. A genuine heirloom for you, your family and descendents to treasure for years to come.
Offer closes at the end of October.