London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Qi Masters in Broadgate Circle and the Scoop

Details of two upcoming outdoor events in the City, sponsored by the Innersound Foundation

InnsersoundSunday 19th July 2009 – 1:00pm-2:00pm at “The Scoop” Riverside – Near Tower Bridge
Monday 20th July 2009 – 12:30pm & 5.45pm at The Broadgate Circle – Nearest Tube: Liverpool St


Qi Masters from South Korea are coming to London to perform an ancient dance, music and healing art that demonstrate the creative principles of the universe.

Samul Nori – traditional Korean percussion sounds of nature.
Nanta Wild Drumming – Korean folk music mixed with modern musical forms.
Haneul 12 steps Qi training – ancient healing art to receive vital energy from the universe and the earth to create health, happiness and harmony.
The Dance of the Phoenix – the legendary Phoenix rise from the ashes shows the ebb and flow of universal energy and how humanity can live in harmony with nature.

** Free Chunsoo energy treatments after the event ** – Re-energisig for the body and relaxing for the mind, and based on Oriental traditional medicine.