More Kim Jong-un related tea-leaf reading today, courtesy of the Frontline Club:
First Wednesday: What could looming power shift mean for North Korea?
Little is known about Kim Jong-il’s youngest son Kim Jong Un but his promotion to North Korea’s powerful defence commission is being interpreted as a clear sign that he is being groomed to be his father’s heir.
If Kim Jong-il is paving the way for a handover of power to a third generation of his faimily, what does this mean for the future of the communist dynasty and its economic and foreign polices?
Will hereditary succession be accepted by the ruling elite? Is there any possibility that there will be resistance to such a young inexperienced ruler from within a country that is suffering from sanctions, international isolation and economic difficulties?
With so much of what goes on inside North Korea veiled in secrecy we will be trying to make sense of the significance of this Workers’ Party conference which is the biggest of its kind in 30 years and asking what it might mean for North Korea and its relationships with the world outside.
Aidan Foster-Carter, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology & Modern Korea at Leeds University;
Charles Scanlon, BBC correspondent in Japan and South Korea from 2000 to 2007, currently an editor at BBC World Service news;
Hosted by Paddy O’Connell of BBC Radio 4’s Broadcasting House, October’s First Wednesday discussion will be another opportunity to join in a lively public meeting which brings together experts and commentators and mix their views with contributions from our audience.
13 Norfolk Place Paddington W2 1QJ
Direct: +44(0)20 74798944 | Mobile: +44 (0) 7941397470The Frontline Club is the London hub for a diverse group of people united by their passion for the best quality journalism. It is home to over 200 talks and screenings a year. With our elegant restaurant serving the best of British cuisine and our members’ bar, Frontline is a unique place to discuss, debate and be inspired.
When: October 6th, 2010 7:00 PM through 8:30 PM
Location: 13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ
Contact: Phone: 020 7479 8940
Email: [email protected]
Event Fee(s)
Standard Rate £ 12.50
Early Booking £ 10.00
Concessions – students/seniors £ 8.00
I’d love to go along, but it’s a bit short notice. Besides which, there is a rare congress of LKL friends and contributors taking place in Soho this evening, which promises to be much fun.