London Korean Links

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Oxford seminar on North Korean Human Rights and Migration

Notice of an upcoming seminar in Oxford, organised by the Korea Institute for National Reunification:


KINU Seminar on North Korean Human Rights and Migration

13:00-18:00, 15 December 2010
Seminar Room, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)
58 Banbury Road,
Oxford, OX2 6QS


Sandwich lunch reception and registration

Introductory remarks by Dr SUH, Jaejean (President, KINU)

Moderator: Dr KIM, Kookshin (Director, Centre for North Korean Human Rights Studies, KINU)

Dr PARK, Youngho (Senior Fellow, KINU)
“The KINU and North Korean human rights: its annual white papers”

Discussants: Dr Jim Hoare (Honorary Senior Fellow, SOAS and Former Chargé d’affaires, British Embassy, DPRK) and Mr Aidan Foster-Carter (Honorary Senior Fellow, Leeds University)

Q&A and Roundtable discussion

Coffee break

Moderator: Mr Charles Scanlon (BBC)

Dr LEE Keum Soon (Senior Fellow, KINU)
“North Korean migrants and defectors”

Discussants: Dr Bridget Anderson (Senior Fellow, COMPAS, Oxford) and Dr Kerry Brown (Senior Fellow, Chatham House, London)

Q&A and Roundtable discussion

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