Notice of an upcoming seminar in Oxford, organised by the Korea Institute for National Reunification:
KINU Seminar on North Korean Human Rights and Migration13:00-18:00, 15 December 2010
Seminar Room, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)
58 Banbury Road,
Oxford, OX2 6QSProgramme
Sandwich lunch reception and registration14:00-14:15
Introductory remarks by Dr SUH, Jaejean (President, KINU)14:15-15:45
Moderator: Dr KIM, Kookshin (Director, Centre for North Korean Human Rights Studies, KINU)Dr PARK, Youngho (Senior Fellow, KINU)
“The KINU and North Korean human rights: its annual white papers”Discussants: Dr Jim Hoare (Honorary Senior Fellow, SOAS and Former Chargé d’affaires, British Embassy, DPRK) and Mr Aidan Foster-Carter (Honorary Senior Fellow, Leeds University)
Q&A and Roundtable discussion
Coffee break16:00-17:45
Moderator: Mr Charles Scanlon (BBC)Dr LEE Keum Soon (Senior Fellow, KINU)
“North Korean migrants and defectors”Discussants: Dr Bridget Anderson (Senior Fellow, COMPAS, Oxford) and Dr Kerry Brown (Senior Fellow, Chatham House, London)
Q&A and Roundtable discussion
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