London Korean Links

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In pictures: Contemporary Korean Silversmithing and Jewellery at the KCC

Entrance to the jewellery exhibition at the KCC

The jewellery and silversmithing exhibition at the KCC is soon coming to an end, to make way for a fashion-related exhibition. Go along before it’s too late…

Go along for the wonderful vessels of Kyosun Jung, whose use of silver wire in the decoration make the finished product look like the product of Moorcroft potteries:

Kyosun Jung's silver vases
Kyosun Jung’s silver vases (photo: LKL)

Go to see the stunning recreations of Joseon dynasty ceramics in silver by William Lee. Some rather lovely jewellery pieces too, including some made of green gold.

William H Lee's silver recreations of Joseon ceramics
William SH Lee’s silver recreations of Joseon ceramics (photo: LKL)

Go for the intricate pojagi-inspired jewellery of Misun Won. It’s amazing what can be done with a single sheet of silver. I love the new silver bowls too.

Two of Misun Won's silver bowls
Two of Misun Won’s silver bowls (photo: LKL)

Go for the organised, geometric shapes of Heeyoung Kim. They might even inspire me to be tidy. I love the way some of the pieces have moving parts.

Geometric jewellery from Heeyoung Kim
Geometric jewellery from Heeyoung Kim (photo: LKL)

Go for the weird hybrid creatures of Min Yoo. The strangest things you’ve ever seen outside your nightmares.

Min Yoo with some of her creations
Min Yoo with some of her creations (photo: KCCUK via Flickr)

Or go for the interesting investigation of what is “fake” by Yunsun Jang – or her appealingly creative silver corkscrews.

Yunsun Jang with some of her unusla corkscrews
Yunsun Jang with some of her unusla corkscrews (photo: KCCUK via Flickr)

The show closes on 10 January 2015. Catch it while you can.

Misun Won
Misun Won chats with two of her customers / models (photo: KCCUK via Flickr)