London Korean Links

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Event notice: BKWS dinner with Anne Wightman

Notice of the monthly dinner of the British Korean Women’s Society:

My Seoul Adventure

A talk by Anne Wightman
(wife of the British Ambassador to South Korea 2011 to 2015)
Tuesday 1 September 2015, 7.00pm
In and Out Club | 4 St James’s Square | LONDON SW1AY 4JU

Anne Wightman

After postings in Beijing, Paris and Rome, Anne moved to Seoul in 2012 to join her husband, Scott, in what was his first assignment as Ambassador.

During her time in Seoul she was Honorary Patron of the British Association of Seoul (BASS) and was active in her support of the President and the Welfare Committee, which focused on the various charities for which BASS raised funds, including a shelter for homeless people in Seoul, an orphanage and an after-school care centre for under-privileged children.’

She will talk about her experiences as the wife of the British Ambassador in Seoul, from walking the cat-walk, accompanying President Park on her State Visit to London to caring for orphaned babies.

Anne is offering us an insight into what life as an Ambassador’s wife involves. She states “it has been as much a surprise as a pleasure to fulfil this role.”

Followed by a dinner at the club’s restaurant

To reserve a place email: [email protected]

Should you wish to know more about the Society please contact Sylvia Park, Founder and Chairman, Tel 07802 858 771
