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Conference news: Addressing violence against women and girls in the DPRK

News of the APPGNK’s upcoming one-day conference:

Addressing violence against women and girls in the DPRK

22 February 2016, The Houses of Parliament
9am – 4pm

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea is pleased to announce the programme for its upcoming conference, titled Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls in the DPRK.

Addressing violence against women and girls in the DPRK


9.00 Registration
9.20 Welcome & Introductory Speeches

  • James Burt – Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea & Researcher, EAHRNK
  • Fiona Bruce MP – Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea
  • Deuk-Hwan Kim – Chargé d’Affaires, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the ROK in the UK and NI
9.40 Session 1: Gendered Violations in the DPRK

  • A structural overview of women’s and girls’ rights in North Korea – Shirley Lee, Co-Founder EAHRNK
  • Violence against women in North Korea – Choi Min Kyeong, North Korean exile
  • How can governments combat violence against women and girls in foreign policy? – Jane Gordon, LSE


10.30 Tea / Coffee break
10.50 Trafficking: Human Traffickin of North Korean Women and Girls

  • Overview of the human trafficking of North Korean women and girls – James Burt, APPG & EAHRNK
  • The repercussions of human trafficking for women and girls – Kong Mi Jin, Daily NK
  • International tools for aiding victims of human trafficking in China – Klara Skrivankova, Anti-Slavery International


11.50 Mid-point speech

  • Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP – Co-Chair of the All-Parry Parliamentary Group on North Korea
11.55 Lunch
12.45 Session 3: International Mechanisms for Improving Women’s Rights in the DPRK

  • North Korea’s response to the international community – David Hawk, The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
  • CEDAW and emerging mechanisms to protect women – Shin Heisoo, UN Committee on Economic Social & Cultural Rights
  • Accountability for North Korean victims at the International Criminal Court – Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, Gresham College


13.40 Nothing About Us, Without us: A Discussion with Park Jihyun and Kim Kyung Hee

  • Park Jihyun, EAHRNK & Kim Kyung Hee, North Korean exile (Moderator, Saeme Kim)
14.00 Break
14.10 Session 4: A Roundtable: Eight steps to guarantee the rihts of women and giris in a future North Korea

  • Rebuilding institutions for human rights in North Korea – Adrian Hong, Joseon Institute
  • Women’s rights in development reconstruction – Christine Chinkin, LSE
  • Macro-viewpoints for improving North Korean women’s rights – K.C. Kim, Institute for National Security and Strategy
  • The importance of gender-sensitive truth commissions – Jo Baker, Human Rights and Gender Equality Adviser
  • Human rights during the transitional period in North Korea – Kim Young Hwan, NKnet
  • Art and the comprehension of human suffering – In-Sook Chappell, Playwright and Filmmaker
  • Economically empowering North Korea’s women – Park Sun-Hwa, North Korean exile and reporter
  • The human rights landscape of a future North Korea – Jang Jin-Sung, New Focus International
15.55 Concluding Remarks

  • Lord Alton Of Liverpool – Co-Chair of the NI-Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea
16.00 End


(automatically generated) Read LKL’s review of this event here.