London Korean Links

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Brief review: The Priests – another excellent LKFF16 teaser

Kim Yoon-seok and Park So-dam
Kim Yoon-seok and Park So-dam

The second of the KCC’s “teaser screenings” for the 2016 London Korean Film Festival, which screened last night at the Picturehouse Central, was another hit. Let’s hope they keep this up. Jang Jae-hyun’s The Priests was a hugely fun (and suspense-filled) exorcism movie, and an impressive full-length debut for the director. It will win new fans for Bach’s sacred cantatas (unless, of course, you are a demon) and for the excellent cast (Kim Yoon-seok as the exorcist, Kang Dong-won as his assistant, Park So-dam as the possessed girl and a promising young piglet).

Kang Dong-won and the piglet
Kang Dong-won and the piglet

Jang Jae-hyeon (장재현): The Priests (검은 사제들, 2015) score-2score-2score-2score-2score-0
