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The Korea Crisis, the Moon Jae-in Government, and Olympic Peace

Somewhat late notice of a highly topical talk:

The Korea Crisis, the Moon Jae-in Government, and Olympic Peace

Prof. Chung-in Moon
Special Presidential Advisor for Unification, Foreign and Security Affairs
Emeritus Professor of Political Science, Yonsei University, Korea

30 January 2018, 5-6.30pm
Venue: SOAS, Brunei Gallery Room B202
All welcome | No registration required
Organised by London Asia Pacific Centre for Social Science

Olympic Peace


The Korean Peninsula went through a series of crises in 2017, but a sudden breakthrough came just before the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in February. Departing from its confrontational and even hostile posture, North Korea has decided to participate in the event, thawing icy inter-Korean relations for the time being. As most South Koreans as well as the world wished, a peaceful Pyeongchang Winter Olympics came true. But would the peaceful Pyeongchang Olympics lead to a lasting Olympic peace, involving tension reduction on the Korean peninsula, inter-Korean confidence-building measures, and eventually the denuclearization of North Korea? Prof. Moon’s talk will explore these issues by focusing on the post-Pyeongchang era as well as policy efforts of the Moon jae-in government in South Korea.

Speaker profile

Moon Chung-inProf. Chung-in Moon is Special Advisor to the Republic of Korea President for Unification, Foreign and Security Affairs. He is currently visiting the University of Bath as its Global Chair Professor. He is also Distinguished University Professor of Yonsei University, Editor-in-Chief of Global Asia, a quarterly journal in English, and Krause Distinguished Fellow, School of Global Policy and Strategy, UCSD. He has published 56 authored, co-authored, and edited volumes and over 300 articles in academic journals such as World Politics, International Studies Quarterly, and World Development. He was a Public Policy Scholar of the Woodrow Wilson International Center, a Lixian Scholar of Beijing University, and a Pacific Leadership Fellow at Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, UCSD. He was executive director of the Kim Daejung Presidential Library and Museum. He also served as Chairman of Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperative Initiative of the Roh Moo-hyun government, a cabinet-level post and Ambassador for International Security of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He was Vice President of International Studies Association of North America and President of Korea Peace Research Association. He is currently co-convener of Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.