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LSE SU Korea Future Forum 2018: Korea in the G-2 Era

Notice of this year’s Korea Future Forum at the LSE:

LSE SU Korea Future Forum 2018: Korea in the G-2 Era

9am, 10 February 2018
Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, London School of Economics, 265 Strand, London, WC2R 1DH
Tickets £40 (students £25) + fee from
Dresscode: Business Smart | FREE lunch provided | The event is in ENGLISH

Korea Future Forum 2018

The 2018 forum will be held under the title of “Korea in the G-2 Era”. We will explore solutions to key issues facing South Korea including:

ECONOMY: “Forecasting Korea’s Economic Outlook”

  • Future of Korea’s economy that can compete with the economies of China and the US

SECURITY 1: “A Way Forward in the North Korea Crisis”

  • How should Korea, China, and the US resolve the crisis with North Korea?

SECURITY 2: “South Korea’s Security Dilemmas in the G-2 Era “

  • Newly arising security issues that South Korea faces as the G-2 Era reaches its heights

DIPLOMACY: “The Art of Diplomacy in Northeast Asia”

  • How can diplomacy serve as a powerful tool for Northeast Asian countries, especially South Korea, in the G-2 Era?


We are flying in speakers from abroad including: the US, Korea, and France. The confirmed speakers include:

  • Professor Young-kwan Yoon: Former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea
  • Ambassador Chris Hill: Former Assistant Secretary of East Asian and Pacific Affairs and United States Ambassador to South Korea
  • Ambassador John Everard: Former British Ambassador to North Korea
  • Professor Kerry Brown: Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of Lau China Institute at King’s College London
  • Mr Roderic Wye: Associate Fellow of Asia Programme at Chatham House, Former Head of Asia Research Group at Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
  • Professor William Callahan: Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Mr Scott Snyder: Senior Fellow for Korea Studies and Director of the Program on U.S.-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations
  • Professor Seong ho Sheen: Professor of International Security at Seoul National University
  • Mr Randall Jones: Head of Korea/Japan Desk at OECD, former Staff Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers, Washington D.C.
  • Professor Ramon Pardo: Senior Lecturer at King’s College London
  • Dr Matteo Fumagalli: Senior Lecturer at University of St Andrews
  • Dr Yuna Han: Fellow in International Relations at LSE

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at Some frequently asked questions can be found at

KFF18 sponsors
