London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

[Croydon] Reality of Juche Korea as seen through posters

Contrasting with an exhibition of North Korean fine art in Central London earlier in June, Croydon is home to an exhibition of DPRK posters at the end of the month, hosted by the combined hospitality of Juche London, KFA International, KFA United Kingdom, Juche Idea Study Group of England and Songun politics:

Reality of Juche Korea as seen through posters

30 June 12noon to 3pm
7 July 12noon to 8pm
1 Matthews Yard | Off Surrey Street | Croydon CR0 1FF
Check for updates on the event’s Facebook page

Juche poster

Juche Korea-the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (aka north Korea ) is one of the most misunderstood countries on the earth. This exhibition organised by the UK Korean Friendship Association will give an opportunity to gain a better understanding of Juche Korea. We will be exhibiting some original hand painted posters from the DPRK. Posters in the DPRK has an important social function as well as an artistic and cultural one. Through the posters of the DPRK one can see the society of the DPRK mirrored in them and its values, aims and concerns.