London Korean Links

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North Korea’s Nuclear Program – A New Perspective

SOAS’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Society and North Korean Culture Society host a public meeting offering new perspectives on the North Korean nuclear issue

DPRK nuke poster for SOAS

Monday 28 January 2019, 7pm till 9pm (Ending time depends on discussion)
Venue: Room G3 | SOAS main building | Thornhaugh Street | Russell Square | London WC1H 0XG
Guest Speaker: Abraham Ait, Defence Analyst and Former Student in Pyongyang.

About the speaker

Abraham Ait has previously published in the Diplomat Magazine, the Japan Times and Military Watch Magazine. He previously studied in North Korea, and is an expert on Modern Warfare and East Asian security. His works have been widely cited and translated in over a dozen languages.

Speech will be followed by discussion
Japanese drink and snacks will be served
Admission Free / Everybody welcome
If you are not SOAS student, just ask for a visitor’s sticker at the reception
Prior registration is recommended via GoogleDrive:
