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Korea’s Metoo, Withyou: A Conversation with Pros. Seo Jihyun

Join the SOAS Korean Social & Environmental Justice Society for a conversation with Prosecutor Seo Jihyun, the initiator of the Metoo movement in Korea.

Poster: Prosecutor Seo Jihyun event

Prosecutor Seo Jihyun shocked the Korean society in January 2018 by appearing on national television to reveal the sexual harassment she had experienced at work and the serious career setbacks she had to face after trying to problematize the issue at work. Prosecutor Seo’s brave testimonies led to a relay of testimonies of sexual violence from all sectors of the Korean society, including the literacy, film, sports, arts, and a schools metoo. In this meaningful and important discussion, we invite Prosecutor Seo to talk about her experiences of speaking out, backlash, solidarity, as well as her thoughts on legal issues and controversies surrounding sexual violence and feminism. A keynote speech by the Prosecutor will be followed by a Q&A session with the host. Then we will open the floor to further questions.

서지현 검사님을 모시고 한국의 미투 운동에 대해 이야기하는 자리를 가질 예정입니다.

-When: March 3rd 4pm-6pm
-Where: SOAS Khalili Lecture Theatre (KLT)
-Co-host: SOAS Korean Social & Environmental Justice Society
-Language: Korean (with the availability of Engish translation tbc)
-No admission fee, registration not required
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