As the group show Expanding Horizons enters its final week at October Gallery, Korean dancer and body language artist Yong Min Cho marks the occasion with a special performance:
‘Drifting’: A Performance by Yong Min Cho
Saturday 5 March 2022, 18:00 – 18:40 GMT
October Gallery | 24 Old Gloucester St | London WC1N 3AL |
Tickets: £15 | Buy tickets
Yong Min Cho | Photograph by Paul Hwang
As part of ‘Expanding Horizons’, in honour of the late Pamela Kember, artist Yong Min Cho has choreographed a special piece exploring the concept of drifting to be performed at October Gallery.
‘Drifting’ builds on the project ‘Drifting Dérive’, a series of installations, performances, and artworks curated by Pamela Kember at Asia House in 2014. It was executed by artists who have all drifted between East and West, and explored the transitory nature of experience. Writing on the project, Pamela observed that ‘to “drift” has a poetic as well as a perambulatory meaning of to flow, or wander, to be carried along, like a paper boat in a stream. There is also the phrase, “Do you get my drift?” when you want to be clear someone is following the course of your conversation. But it can also mean to drift off, as in a daydream, or when, through sheer boredom, you find your thoughts wandering elsewhere … dérive is all about the unplanned journey, where there is no map, no guide and no course outline to guide the way.’
Yong Min Cho is a body language artist based in London, who realises projects in the UK, Europe and South Korea. He studied architecture in South Korea, scenography at the Brera Academy of Fine Art, Milan, and dance at the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi in Milan. He moved to Venice to work with Carolyn Carson at the Accademia Isola Danza and as an independent dancer at the Centro Teatrale di Ricerca Venezia. During 2014 he was artist/choreographer in residence at Asia House, London.
Yong Min’s poetic description of his performance draws on Pamela’s writing:
Into encounters
Between East and West,
Between European and Asian cultures,
Between multiple languages,
Between various identities,
Between revealed and concealed space,
Between internal space and exterior world,
Between enter and leave,
Between connect and disconnect,
Between form and moving image,
Between past and present,
Between old and new,
Between structure and loss,
Between conceptual and narrative,
Between we and I,
Between you and I,
Between I and I.
Finding what I don’t have is finding me.
The Gallery will be open from 12:30–5:30pm during the day, so you are welcome to join us any time prior to the performance at 6pm. Refreshments will be served from 5:30pm prior to the performance, and from 6:45–7:30pm after the performance.