London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

SOAS-OKCHF Workshop on Korean collections in UK institutions

Date: Saturday 18 November 2023, 10:30am - 4:30pm
SOAS | 10 Thornhaugh Street | Russell Square | London WC1H 0XG | | [Map]

Tickets: Free | Register via EventBrite
Event will be in the Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT), SOAS Main Building
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Join us for this workshop hosted by the School of Arts at SOAS. Museum curators, librarians, and academics will share their expertise in managing and utilizing Korean objects in their collections in UK institutions. They will also discuss the collecting histories and practices that have formed and shaped these collections. This workshop is part of a provenance research project based on UK collections, ‘The Korean art collecting activities of British diplomats, businessmen and missionaries, 1880-1930,’ funded by the Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation (OKCHF). The event is open to the public and free of charge, taking place in the Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT) of the SOAS main building on Saturday, November 18th, with tea and lunch provided. We look forward to your participation.

Time Content
10:30 Registration, tea and coffee
11:00 Opening speech: Charlotte Horlyck (SOAS)
11:10 Presentation 1: Minh Chung (Bodleian Library)
11:30 Presentation 2: Seul Bi Lee (Cambridge University Library)
11:50 Presentation 3: Beth McKillop (British Library)
12:10 Q&A 1
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Presentation 4: Sangah Kim (British Museum)
13:50 Presentation 5: Lauren Barnes (National Museum of Scotland)
14:10 Q&A 2
14:30 Tea and coffee break
15:00 Presentation 6: Erin Messenger and Gayathri Anand (Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew)
15:20 Presentation 7: Lina Sinhwa Koo (University of Brighton, Pitt Rivers Museum)
15:40 Presentation 8: Jess Son (SOAS)
16:00 Q&A 3
16:20 Closing remarks: Charlotte Horlyck (SOAS)

Hosted by the School of Arts at SOAS, University of London
