Sunny Lee has a good article in the Korea Times: Fake NK Paintings in Wide Circulation. 9:44 AM Jan 7th. Philip: Good article. Did you get to meet Sun Woo-young when writing it? He was in London a couple of years ago. I assume the paintings on show in London were authentic, as he was … [Read More]
Artist: Son U Yong
Embroidery, celadon and a Juche paradise opposite the Institute of Directors
The exhibition at La Galleria is entering its last two weeks. A number of the artworks that were in the gallery last time I visited are no longer there, having found good homes1, and the opportunity has been taken to move some of the pictures around to give more prominents positions to some artists previously … [Read More]
A North Korean coup, years in the planning
Prologue The North Korean flag stirred gently in the breeze in Pall Mall, the heart of London’s clubland, a few hundred yards from Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. An elderly gentleman pottered up the steps to the Athenaeum. The blue and red flag caught his eye, but its significance did not register. A young woman … [Read More]
But is it Art?
Encounters with Painters in North Korea 5pm SOAS, 8 December 2006 Koen De Ceuster, Centre for Korean Studies, Leiden University “But is it Art”?: that was the question posed by Koen De Ceuster on Friday night at SOAS, as part of the series of talks held by the Centre for Korean Studies. The talk started … [Read More]