London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

In pictures: New Malden’s Chuseok Harvest Fest

The fickle Autumn weather smiled on New Malden’s Chuseok festivities last weekend. With pent-up demand resulting from lockdown and the lack of the usual independence day celebrations in mid-August, and the sunny weather beckoning people out onto the streets, the celebrations were almost too successful. LKL was there in time for the opening speeches and … [Read More]

New Malden Korean Harvest Fest 2021

The Korean Harvest Festival is back: this time the festivities are in New Malden High Street and St George’s Square. We didn’t have any independence day celebrations during August so this September event will be extra welcome. There’s plenty of opportunity to be part of the fun – for example you could participate in the … [Read More]

The annual Harvest Fest moves online

Congratulations to the organisers of the annual Korean Harvest Fest for putting something so enticing together in these difficult times. The Chuseok celebrations organised by Korean British Cultural Exchange have moved online this year. Plans for screenings in the heard of Koreatown (New Malden) have had to be shelved at the last minute because of … [Read More]

UK National Kpop Competition 2019 – the finals

As part of the 2019 Kingston Korean Festival there is another edition of the UK National Kpop Competition. Some of the entries got to perform in front of the public at the Kingston Harvest Fest over the weekend, at which the finalists were announced. UK National Kpop Competition 2019 Saturday 26 October 2019, 4pm – … [Read More]

In pictures: Kingston Korean Harvest Fest 2018

The weather wasn’t very kind to the organisers and visitors for the 2018 Chuseok celebrations in Kingston’s market square. But still there was an enthusiastic turnout, especially for the Kpop performances. LKL managed to make it towards the end of the afternoon, which means we missed the opening ceremony with the Korean ambassador and Ed … [Read More]

Kingston’s Korean Harvest Festival

Now in its third year, the early Autumn Korean harvest festival organised by Korean British Cultural Exchange comes to Kingston’s marketplace this September: Kingston Celebrates Chuseok Saturday 22 September 2018, 12 noon – 4pm Ancient Market Place | Kingston-upon-Thames KT1 1JS Detailed schedule at the bottom of this page. Fun, family-friendly and free for … [Read More]

Kingston Korean Festival 2017: the photos

Here is a collection of photos from the Korean Festival held in Kingston’s ancient market place on Saturday 16 September 2017. 16,706 people attended the festival and 526 people enjoyed the audience participation programmes on the day! LKL, unfortunately, wasn’t one of them, and these photos are taken with permission from the organisers’ Facebook page … [Read More]

Kingston Korean Festival returns to the market square

Following the great success of last year’s Autumn Full Moon Festival, Kingston Korean Festival 2017 returns to Kingston where the biggest Korean community in Europe is based. This year, Kingston Korean Festival runs two main programmes to celebrate Korean culture and engage with British people in many ways: Experience how Koreans are celebrate their first … [Read More]

Exhibition news: “Dol” – baby’s first birthday celebration in Korea

As part of this year’s Kingston Korean Festival, Korean British Cultural Exchange (KBCE) is presenting an exhibition at Kingston Museum: ‘DOL’ – baby’s first birthday celebration in Korea 31 August – 3 October 2017 Kingston Museum | Wheatfield Way | Kingston upon Thames KT1 2PS Tue, Fri, Sat: 10am to 5pm | Thu: 10am to 7pm | Mon, Wed, Sun: closed … [Read More]

Event news: Chuseok celebrations in Kingston

There will be some Chuseok festivities on Saturday 17 September in Kingston marketplace, 12-4pm, organised by Korean British Cultural Exchange and supported by Kingston Council. It is said to be the first Korean street/outdoor festival to be held in Kingston town centre, and is certainly to be welcomed as an alternative focus to celebrate Koreanness there now the summer festival in … [Read More]

This year’s Kingston Korean Festival is on 11 August 2012

The annual Independence Day Kingston Korean Festival organised by the Korean Residents Society is on 11 August, 10am-7pm, on the Fairfield Recreation Ground near the centre of Kingston [Map], celebrating Korean culture with traditional food, music, dance and costumes. And the popular K-pop contest returns for its second year. The war veterans’ march-past normally begins … [Read More]