London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Comfort Women: Listening To Their Voices — free screenings and discussion in Sheffield

A series of documentary screenings and discussions on the subject of Comfort Women, spread over Friday evening and Saturday. Director Byun Young-joo will be present to discuss her work – the first two documentaries of her 낮은 목소리 trilogy will be screening. Director Kim Dong-won will also be present. Korean Cinema Stories: Comfort Women — … [Read More]

Event news: The Murmuring to screen at the KCC

The second film this month to explore the sensitive topic of Korea’s relations with Japan in the twentieth century is The Murmuring (낮은 목소리 1995), a documentary by Byeon Yeong-ju. The film also dovetails with the films next month, which are by female directors. The Murmuring is the first of three documentaries by Director Byeon … [Read More]

The first London Korean Festival, 2003

I recently discovered the WayBack Machine – the internet archive – which has enabled a certain amount of research into some of the Korean cultural activities in London prior to the establishment of LKL. In particular, I managed to find some archived pages from the website of the Korean Anglican Community Centre, the organisation that … [Read More]