As in previous years, the London East Asia Film Festival has a strong representation of Korean films. Although this year there is a focus on Taiwan and the Nara International Film Festival, there’s also a focus on the work of actor Kim Yoon-seok, who also features in the opening movie, Dark Figure of Crime. At … [Read More]
Director: Kwak Kyung-taek
Festival Film Review: The Classified File
As goodwill ambassador for Sancheong County, I was delighted when Sancheong’s most famous Buddhist monk, the late Seong Cheol sunim, got name checked in The Classified File as the Seon Master of the Buddhist-trained fortune teller who unofficially assisted the police in the real-life 1978 kidnap case that was the subject of the movie. One … [Read More]
Kwak Kyung-taek is July’s featured director at the KCC
July features the early films of Kwak Kyung-taek, best known for his 2001 movie Friend. The Doctor K (닥터 K, 1999) 9 July, 7pm, KCCUK Book here Cast: Cha In-pyo, Kim Hye-soo, Kim Ha-neul, Yu In-chon, Park Sang-myeon 107 mins, Cert. 15 A mysterious doctor has a very special gift that allows him to successfully … [Read More]
Kwak Kyung-taek quizzed at the first LKFF on Typhoon, filming in Russia and more
Kwak Kyung-taek is July’s featured director at the KCC. This gives us the opportunity to resurrect from the archives Saharial’s transcription of a Q&A with the director following the UK premiere of his movie Typhoon, at the first of the KCCUK’s London Korean Film Festivals back in September 2006. Q: What drew you to the … [Read More]
“A Reason to Live” and “Pain”: Two lame films to avoid
What better time to catch up on films you might not otherwise see than a long-haul flight from Seoul to London? Of the ten Korean films available on Asiana flight OZ 521 last week: I’d already seen and enjoyed two (War of the Arrows and Leafie) Two were feelgood sporting movies – not my usual … [Read More]
Korean film at the Terracotta film festival
The new kid on the block when it comes to Asian film is Terracotta. They launched themselves last November by securing the rights to Im Pil-sung’s horror film Hansel and Gretel (which screens at the KCC later this month – 28 May), and they’re making a splash at the Prince Charles this month with the … [Read More]
Korean film – a review of 2007
Jason Bechervaise, founder of, gives his perspective on the ups and downs of the Korean film industry in 2007 By all accounts 2007 was a year that has been difficult one for the Korean film industry where it seems that the golden years of the Korean film industry has passed. Rising costs have meant … [Read More]
BBC news video on recent London Korean Film Festival
A quick interview with Kwak Kyung-taek and Roger Clark, and a quick preview of King and the Clown, to be featured at the BFI London Film Festival. The presenter mentions that there are two other Korean films at the BFI festival. I can only find the one short film. If anyone can spot the other … [Read More]
Kwak Kyung-taek’s next film a lower-budget romance
At last night’s Q&A following a packed showing of Typhoon (queue above), director Kwak Kyung-taek confirmed that his next film will have a slightly smaller budget than his last, which had disappointing box office result despite its large budget. It will be a romance, and Kwak is talking to Lee Jung-jae, the hero of Typhoon, … [Read More]