London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Visit Korea, tour a shipyard

LKL ponders some of the out-of-the-ordinary things you might want to do on holiday in Korea In the Q&A which followed the Korean Tourism presentation and documentary screening at the Cultural Centre last week, some unusual holiday ideas were floated, all of which are achievable in Korea. Here are some of the suggestions, supplemented with … [Read More]

Visit Korea, experience the Cold War

Coming to the Travel Channel this autumn is a new travel documentary on Korea. At the Korea Tourism evening at the KCC last week we were given a preview. It was refreshing: a Korean tourism documentary, but from a Westerner’s perspective. Yes, we were told that the KTO assisted in the film’s production, but the … [Read More]

Taekwondo, Technology, Kimchi & more

In the second Global Korea lecture of 2009, Ramy Salameh from the Korea Tourism Organisation examines what Korea has to offer as a holiday destination: Taekwondo, Technology, Kimchi & more: A touristic overview of South Korea Tuesday 25 August 2009 at 6:30pm Venue: Korean Cultural Centre Culture shock, modern, unique, dynamic, sparkling, friendly, technological, ancient! … [Read More]

B-boys promote Korean tourism at KCC

It’s now more than a year since the somewhat controversial launch of the Korea, Sparkling tourism brand. As I suspected at the time, people would get used to it in due course, and now the logo has become a familiar feature on the various tourist literature available. The branding, together with the Han Style campaign … [Read More]

AKS Korean night – she said

One of two accounts of the recent Anglo-Korean Society evening at the KCC – this one by new contributor Béatrice Colbrant What a cheerful and pleasant evening at the Korean Cultural Centre, organised on 10 April 2008 by indefatigable and always enthusiastic Sylvia Park, social events secretary of the Anglo Korean Society! The new Korean … [Read More]

AKS Korean night – he said

One of two accounts of the recent Anglo-Korean Society evening at the KCC – this one by Matthew Jackson The forces of the AKS, KTO and KCC were combined to good effect at the Cultural Evening on Thursday, 10 April. Walking around the packed Cultural Centre, it felt as though things have changed a lot … [Read More]

These people make me angry

Today we have two accounts of the AKS evening of Korean culture on 10 April (one of them unsolicited by me). Both of them are favourable and rightly appreciative of the efforts of Sylvia Park of the AKS in organising the event. So I feel justified in presenting another angle. The evening was scheduled to … [Read More]

AKS Korean Evening at the KCC

The Anglo-Korean Society will be presenting its regular Korean Culture evening on 10 April. If it happened last year, I’m afraid I missed it, but two years ago I went along. It was my first event as an AKS member, and I was very frustrated because there had been some very generous sponsorship of the … [Read More]

Korea, fizzling

An unruly mob of louts and freeloaders from the travel and journalism trade gathered on the top floor of New Zealand House yesterday evening to honour the launch of the “Korea, Sparkling” tourism brand. When it had been launched so successfully down below in Trafalgar Square not two weeks beforehand, some of us wondered why … [Read More]