After Mia Chung’s You For Me For You at the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs, which finished on 9 January, it was a relief to sit down to a play where you could believe in the characters and enjoy natural dialogue that you could imagine people uttering in real life. The production, in a room above an … [Read More]
Title: P'yongyang
Event news: P’yongyang – a new play by In-Sook Chappell
Long-term followers of things Korean in London may remember In-Sook Chappell’s award-winning first play This Isn’t Romance. Her sophomore production gets its premiere in January 2016: P’yongyang, by In-Sook Chappell Finborough Theatre | 118 Finborough Road | London SW10 9ED | | @finborough Tue 5 Jan – Sat 30 Jan 2016 Tue to Sat … [Read More]