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Chosun Ilbo border-crosser documentary footage shown on BBC

Newsnight last night screened a 17 minute extract from the Chosun’s documentary on North Korean border crossers in Northern China. A very brief extract, together with the BBC reporter’s write-up, can be found on the BBC website here.

The Chosun Ilbo website says that there will be more extended versions of the footage screening on BBC World over the next few days. Unfortunately, being on BBC World, no-one in the UK will be able to watch it unless they have premium cable TV: it’s not available on Freeview as far as I can see.

Here’s the details on the BBC World site – also here.

Update: the full 17 minute Newsnight piece can be found here. Thanks to Colin Bartlett for pointing this out.

Further update: the documentary’s producers have now uploaded the full version onto YouTube: