London Korean Links

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Saturday documentaries at the KCC: Koryo Buddhist Paintings

Every Saturday, from November till the end of December, the KCC will be screening a documentary on Koryo Buddhist Paintings.

Acclaimed as “divine artistry” in Asia, the Koryo Buddhist Paintings are known for their “infinite labour”. In one painting, 15,000 miniscule faces of Buddhas were drawn in gold to make a single figure of Buddha.

Their unique technique of painting on both sides of the canvas, as well as use of natural mineral paints, have allowed these works to retain their vivid colour even after 700 years, and they remain among the very oldest, and best-preserved, works of their kind, providing invaluable insight into Korean art and history to this day.

Some of these paintings, along with other Buddhist relics from Korea, are on exhibition at BOZAR in Brussels until January 2009

The screening lasts around 30 minutes, and while scheduled screenings are at 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00, ad-hoc screenings are available on request, so do join us for one of the Saturdays and acquaint yourself with the traditions of Korean art.

Image: Water Moon Kuanum by Sokubang, Colour on Silk, 1323 AD

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