Another fun year of blogging, and so it’s time to thank all those who have made things possible. In no particular order:
- The regular and one-off contributors who provide coverage, insight and expertise that are beyond me, and make LKL much more than what it would otherwise be. The regular contributors now have their own page with their profiles. Thanks to all of them.
- The photographers. Usually my little pocket digital camera is not up to the job, and often I forget the thing. So thanks to Jo Seong-hee, who is fast becoming LKL’s semi-official photographer; and Lee Hyung-wook of the East who generously provides photos he took for his own publication, the East.
- To the folks at WordPress for their fantastic free content management software; to the various plugin developers who enhance the core WP functionality; and to Scott Wallick for the blog templates which form the basis of the LKL design.
- To all those who provide tacit support or active encouragement to LKL – from my wife Louise, who puts up with my evening blogging activities, to the VIPs who put in a good word for me every now and then.
- To the many organisers of Korea-related events who give the LKL team plenty to write about.
- And of course to the readers who find things of interest here.