London Korean Links

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UK Korean Artists Association in Call for new members

Recently we saw the exhibition by 60 young Korean artists working in London: primarily students and recent graduates. In our focus on the exciting new talent coming out of the colleges, many of whom return to Korea once their visas run out, sometimes we overlook the Koreans who have made their home here. The Korean Artists Association UK is an organisation made up primarily of Korean-born artists – in the broadest sense of the word – who have settled in the UK. I’m told that the KAA has been in existence for 15 years, though I’ve only been close to it for the past 3 or 4 years. For the past three summers it has held an entertaining event at the Korean Cultural Centre showcasing the talents of some of its performers – dancers, musicians and a poet – and last year held an exhibition there at the same time.

The KAA is always on the lookout for new members. Do join, using the contact email below. I’m a guest member myself.

KAA masthead
재영예술인협회 회원모집 (Korean Artists Association UK)

재영예술인협회는 영국사회에 한인들의 우수한 문화예술을 전파하고 재영 한인들의 예술에 대한 인식을증대시키며 예술인들 상호간의 친목과 권익보호를 위해 노력하고 있는 단체입니다. 이에 협회에서는 올해로 15회를 맞아 앞으로 계획하고 있는 각종행사에 함께 참여 하실 수 있는 신입회원 예술인을 모집하고 있습니다.

분야: 회화, 설치, 디자인, 사진, 음악, 무용,공연등 각 예술분야

자격: 영국 거주와 활동 경력 2년 이상 된 자나 현재 예술분야에서 공부를 하는 만 18세 이상의 한국인
외국인도 한국 에술에 관계있는 분과 예술인이 아니어도 한국문화에 관심이 있는 분은 가입이 가능

접수: 아래 이메일로 문의하시면 입회원서를 보내드립니다.

이메일: [email protected]

Call for New Members

Korean Artists Association UK was formed to promote cultural exchange between the Republic of Korea and the UK, and to further the interests and activities of Korean artists working in the UK. This year the association celebrates its 15th anniversary, and it is looking for talented new members to participate in forthcoming events that are being planned.

Disciplines: All discipline of Visual Arts (painting, installation, design, photography etc) and Performing Arts.

Eligibility: Professional Korean Artists who have been resident in UK for more than two years. Korean students aged over 18 who are currently studying ‘Art’ in the UK.

Guest members: Non-Koreans who are interested in Korean culture are welcome as guest members.

Contact Email: [email protected]

2 thoughts on “UK Korean Artists Association in Call for new members

  1. Hey
    l am non Korean lady interested in Korean culture. Please add me as your guest member. Thanks Noma

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