Korean garden designer and environmental artist Hwang Jihae will be participating in a garden design show with a difference:
10 unique gardens by leading designers – in miniature!
6-8 March 2014
The Strand Gallery | 32 John Adam Street | London WC2N
Hwang Jihae: miNiATURE garden design using 3D printer
miNiATURE is a new platform aiming to give leading garden designers and landscape architects the ability to create unique and ambitious gardens, even if they are in miniature. Currently show gardens provide a platform to engage people with new design but often these can end up as safe and self-limiting due to budget and in order to win a medal.
miNiATURE aims to change this by giving designers an outlet to explore creative designs at low cost through modelling. Up until recently this took place ‘on screen’ and a physical model could take time and expense but now with the advent of 3D printing we have the ability to produce high quality, detailed and accurate 3D models to communicate ideas and engage directly with clients.
miNiATURE will give a group of leading UK and International designers a chance to design completely new ideas in gardens and landscapes, introduce them to 3D printing and to inspire their profession and the public with the first ever exhibition of its kind.
Taking part from the United Kingdom are John Brookes, Jamie Dunstan, Sarah Eberle, Adam Frost, Andy Sturgeon, Jo Thompson and Wilson McWilliam. From Australia Myles Baldwin and Jim Fogarty will be exhibiting and from the Republic of Korea Jihae Hwang.