OK friends, wherever you are, this is what I want you to do. Any or all of the following:
- Buy one or more tickets and come along to the Dream Ritual performance at the Coronet Theatre, 3-6 July. Bring a friend. I have so much faith that this is going to be a great experience that I’ve bought tickets for three nights. Yes, I’m going three times.
- If you’re not in London, contribute the price of a ticket to the crowdfunder campaign.
- Wherever you are, consider contributing more than the price of a ticket to the crowdfunder campaign to secure some unique benefits and be part of the project.
- Donate a dream to charity. If you’re quick, the dream might also be used in the Dream Ritual performance. Tell me: when did you last have the opportunity to donate to charity without hitting your bank balance? But that’s what will happen when your dream is auctioned later in this project.
- If you’re free during the day Tuesday or Wednesday this week (25/26 June) volunteer to help set up the stage for the Dream Ritual performance.
Here’s a flavour of what to expect:
Dream Ritual is a dance performance conceived by London-based Korean artist Bongsu Park and performed by Jinyeob Cha, a well-known dancer/choreographer who gave a stunning solo performance at last year’s Festival of Korean Dance at The Place and who choreographed the opening and closing ceremonies of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Sound design is by haihm – a musician I find I already have in my iTunes library.
The team has taken a huge risk with this project: while the performance space has been given for free by the Coronet Theatre in Notting Hill (who have worked with Bongsu in previous projects), the team has committed their time and own money to the project while the normal sources of grant funding have not come through. Projects this interesting don’t come along that often and I think the artists and performers deserve to be rewarded for it.
For more information:
See you at the Coronet in July.