Thanks to Tristan Kinslow for letting me post some of his photos of the Korean Village last weekend’s Thames Festival. View the rest of the photos at Tristan’s flickr account. And here’s one of the lantern procession, from the London SE1 site: [Read More]
Event tag: Thames Festival 2007
Korean dancers at The Place, Euston
First, thanks to Colin Bartlett for letting me know about Korean dancers from the Robin Howard Dance Theatre performing at The Place, near Euston. We’ve already missed one of the performances, which was yesterday evening: Jin-Yeob Cha, who has worked with a variety of Korean and international choreographers, including Ismael Ivo, Itzik Galili, Iztok Kovac, … [Read More]
Korea at the Thames Festival: Sarangbang!
A two-day participation in the Mayor’s Thames Festival on the South Bank near Tower Bridge. You can expect the normal Korean food and information tents. But in the Korean Village this time you can turn your hand at making Korean paper lanterns (pre-booking required) or attend a woodblock printing class. There’s a grand parade on … [Read More]