London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

A last look back at 2010

We’ve digested the albums, films, sporting events and books of the year, and reviewed some of the memorable stories of 2010 in our Quiz of the Year. Here are some of the other things we noted in 2010 which didn’t quite make it into any of those articles. 2010: a year of anniversaries It was … [Read More]

Irrational exhuberance or sober restraint? The contrasting tastes of 18th century neighbours

Leaving aside the question of whether you would fork out £53 million (including taxes and buyer’s premium) for an object that a careless cat could smash to smithereens in an instant, which vase would you rather have on your mantelpiece? On the left, the exhuberant, flamboyant, labour-intensive masterpiece produced by Qing dynasty ceramic artisans (and … [Read More]

The G20 Summit at the Seoul Lantern Festival

It was a nice idea to create a special lantern in honour of the G20 leaders as part of the Seoul Lantern Festival. The bit in the red circle contains their likenesses. But unfortunately there was a misunderstanding about the country represented by one leader: Korea welcomes 'Julia von Trapp'. As the Marmot says: Australia, … [Read More]

Korea’s treasures on show at the G20

Nice idea for the National Museum of Korea to showcase these treasures to the G20 visitors at a reception. # “In celebration of the G-20 Summit, the National Museum of Korea recently designated 20 masterpieces (dubbed the “M20”) among its vast collection of cultural and historical artifacts. Fourteen of them will be displayed in … [Read More]