The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed a new type of event at the bottom of my “April Events” post. It’s a Korean language meet-up. It seems there’s a group of like-minded people — some native Korean speakers and some learners — who meet up once a month in the West End somewhere, and, (I’m taking an educated guess here) speak Korean to each other. And maybe a few beers are drunk.
I just happened across this group while aimlessly googling the other day.
I know there are some would-be Korean speakers out there, and this could be a good opportunity to practice your skills in a stress-free environment.
Does anyone feel like going along and reporting on this April’s event?
I’m a co-organiser!! hehe I thought it was you signing up, and wasnt sure until you mentioned yr website
It’s a great idea. But seeing I don’t speak a word of Korean I would only be there for the beer !
I’m still very much a beginner myself 🙂 we usually go for a nice meal and chat and usually in english *laughs*
you should come some time. Unlike some of the otehr meetups on the site its about the culture and not a singles night out 🙂
Does anyone know of a Korean language learners group in Liverpool?