Watch the two videos below and tell me if you think one was influenced by the other.
The top video is a new TV commercial for a new variant of the chewy sweet formerly known as Opal Fruits. The commercial (known as Starburst Choozers – Licking Policeman) is produced by London advertising agency TBWA according to Advertolog. Art director Tom Chancellor has the ad on his site.
The bottom video is the creation of video artist June Bum Park. He’s been doing work showing people being manipulated by giant hands for at least a couple of years as far as I’m aware. I first saw his work at the presentation of Korean video art shown at the British Museum during the London Korean Festival in 2005. The above work, “Parking” was shown during the “Exposed” event in London in May last year. The rather bad copy above was apparently taken by a visitor to the Alllooksame?/Tuttuguale? exhibition in Torino, Italy earlier this year.
- James over at the Grand Narrative has managed to track down three much better videos of June Bum Park’s work here.
- A diligent reader called Erica kindly points out that either or both creatives might have been inspired by a Canadian TV comedy show from the 1980s called Kids in the Hall.
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