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AKSE Conference 2009: Call for papers

17—21 June 2009

The Centre for Korean Studies, Leiden University, will host the 24th Biennial Conference of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe from 17-21 June, 2009 at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Leiden, The Netherlands.

Submissions in all areas of Korean Studies are welcome. Proposals must be submitted by 31 August 2008.

Full details in the attached pdf.


10 thoughts on “AKSE Conference 2009: Call for papers

  1. Dear Sir,
    I am wasantha Mendis from Sri Lanka. I am a Lecturer in the Univeristy
    of Sri Lanaka. I would like to Participate this conference. Please send me
    more details to my e-mail Adress.
    Thank you very much.

    May the triple gem bless you.

    Wasantha Mendis

  2. Dear Upasak- Upasika,
    I am Ven.Priyananda.I am from Bangladesh,but study to Buddha Gaya, India.I am a secretary to Ven.Dr.Dhammaviriyo Mahathero,Sangha-Nayaka,The Supreme Patriarch Buddhist OF India.Hon.Mahathera he is theacher.Hon.Mahathera & Me interested to ur conference.Pls send me details ur conference.
    With Metta.
    Secretary to Sangha-Nayaka,

    All India Bhikkhu Sangha.
    (The Supreme Sangha Council OF India.)
    Buddha gaya,Bihar,

  3. Dear sir,
    I’m Ven,Ruzel Sraman Theravada buddhsit monk.And i’m study in Thailand.So now i would like to attend your conference please you kindly send for me conference details. I waiting for your a nice answer.

    With metta,

    Ven,Ruzel Sraman

  4. Dear sir,
    I’m Ven,tisha lok Sraman Theravada buddhsit monk.And i’m study in Thailand.So now i would like to attend your conference please you kindly send for me conference details. I waiting for your a nice answer.
    may the triple gem bless you
    tishalok sramon

  5. Dear sir,i am ven.rubel shraman.i study in monk university of thailand.i am come form bangladesh.sir i attend to your canfarence halp me please.sir you send me more details.i waiting for your a nice answer informetion.god bless you.thank you for canfarence. ven.rubel shraman

    1. I am impressed by the desire of Buddhist monks in Asia to come to a Korean Studies conference in Europe. I encourage would-be attendees to contact the conference organisers direct, using the link provided in the article above.

      I am now closing this post to any further comments, to avoid having to repeat myself again.

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