London Korean Links

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Capitalism in old Kaesong

As the North threatens to take steps to shut down its capitalist venture with the South in the Kaesong industrial complex, there’s a timely historical seminar at SOAS this Friday, 28 November. Oxford’s Dr James B Lewis looks at evidence of pre-modern capitalism in old Kaesong. The official title of the seminar:

“Korean merchant double-entry accounts from Kaesŏng city (1786-1947): Do these prove the existence of capitalism in pre-modern Korea?”

As the topic nicely brings together my day job and my evening hobby, I’ll be sure to be there. As ever, 5pm in SOAS room G52. Lewis has previously published papers on pre-modern Korean economic history, one of which was presented to the one-day conference at the British Academy in December last year


(automatically generated) Read LKL’s review of this event here.

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