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President Lee Myung-bak’s 2010 New Year message to the nation

President Lee Myung-bak
President Lee Myung-bak (photo: Blue House / Flickr)

Somewhat less wordy than the Joint New Year Editorial issued north of the border, and there’s also a subtitled video to go with it:

My fellow Koreans,

2010, a New Year full of hope, has just dawned. Did you have good dreams last night?

Even in the face of crisis last year, we created a new opportunity to advance successfully into the future. We found a bright light in the darkness.

The Republic of Korea became a chair and host of the G-20 Summit this year. The country finally achieved the long-awaited goal of exporting nuclear power plants. In addition, Korea became the first country in the world that emerged from the status of an aid beneficiary to become a donor. All these achievements have been possible because all Koreans joined forces with a single mind to work together.

What we gained in 2009 was a sense of self-confidence. In 2010, we need to continue to march forward to make an even greater Republic.

The Government and I will do our utmost to lay the firm foundation necessary to establish Korea as an advanced nation standing tall in the international community, bearing in mind the motto Illoyeongil, meaning if we all join forces to realize shared goals, lasting prosperity will be guaranteed.

At a time when the Republic is about to achieve this aim, let us all make endeavors to build a more caring society by considering the well-being of those around us, sharing what we have with each other and rendering assistance to the needy.

My fellow citizens,

In the newly dawning year, I wish you all good health and great happiness. I hope you will have a New Year filled with everlasting luck.

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