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Koo Jeong A designs UK’s first glow-in-the-dark skate park

The UK’s first glow in the dark skate park opened in Everton Park on 5 October.

Photo: Gareth Jones for The Creators Project
Photo: Gareth Jones for The Creators Project

The park, designed by Korean artist Koo Jeong A, is part-painted with luminous paint. According to the Liverpool Echo:

Artist Koo Jeong A worked with young people from North Liverpool and skaters to devise the new wheels park.

Koo Jeong A in front of Evertro Skate Park. Photo: James Maloney for Liverpool Echo
Koo Jeong A in front of Evertro Skate Park. Photo: James Maloney for Liverpool Echo

The park was commissioned jointly by Liverpool Biennial and the city council. The Biennial website has details behind the commission.

Designs for the Wheels Park in Everton Park © Koo Jeong A and Wheelscape Skateparks
Designs for the Wheels Park in Everton Park © Koo Jeong A and Wheelscape Skateparks (Source: Liverpool Biennial)

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