Korean legend and innovator, Bek Hyunjin – actor, contemporary artist, installation artist, performance artist, and musician – presents an exhilarating evening of entertaining, meaningful performance that draws you into the enigmatic beauty and drama of Korean lyrics and art. Bek Hyunjin Bek Hyunjin is an omnidirectional artist based in Seoul, South Korea. His music career started in … [Read More]
Artist: Baik Hyunjhin (백현진)
Bahngbek performs at Rich Mix as part of LEAFF
The only time I’ve heard Baik Hyun-jhin perform live he had his head in a fireplace and was making moaning sounds up a chimney. He can make a performance of anything. His bandmate Bang Jun-seok has composed the soundtracks for movies from …ing to Battleship Island. Their 2015 debut album together, Your Hands, is well … [Read More]
Park Chan-wook talks about Handmaiden, octopuses and more
I’ve now lost count of the number of times that Park Chan-wook has come to London. But it’s always nice to see him, especially when there’s his latest film to enjoy as part of a retrospective of his work at the London East Asia Film Festival. We got to see the amazing Handmaiden at the BFI … [Read More]
Have a Good Day, Mr Kim! – Choi and Lager’s summer exhibition in Cologne
Nowhere near London, but I’m posting this just because I wish I could find a conveniently-timed flight to get me to the opening event, as this is an exhibition I’d love to get to. I fear that this press release is the closest I’m going to get. Choi and Lager have assembled a pretty impressive … [Read More]
Choi & Lager’s Paris summer exhibition: 82-33-44
News of Choi and Lager‘s 2014 Paris summer show: 82-33-44 Group exhibition of Korean artists in Paris 13 June – 2 July 2014 Opening reception Friday, 13 June 2014, 7pm onwards 7 Rue Gustave Nadaud | 75016 Paris | Code: F2476 Interphone: LE FUR CHOI | 2nd floor The title of the exhibition looks like … [Read More]
A brief tour of the Korean galleries at Art 14
Korean artists and galleries put on a good show at Art14, and got plenty of attention from the press. Time Out spotted (they were hard to miss) Choi Jeong-hwa’s huge collection of colourful pieces which looked like giant hubble-bubbles, installed at Hong Kong’s Pearl Lam Galleries. Also recommended in the same article was 43 Inverness … [Read More]
Korean artists and galleries at Art14
As an addendum and recap to my post of last December, here are the galleries I know of who will be presenting Korean artists at Art14 (28 Feb – 2 Mar at Olympia Grand): Section Gallery Artists (if announced) London First 43 Inverness Street (London) Kim Ha-young, Oak Jungho Choi & Lager (Cologne) Lee Seahyun, … [Read More]
K-Music: Uhuhboo Project + Pere Ubu at Scala, 16 June
K-film followers may know Uhuhboo Project (어어부 프로젝트) from the soundtrack of Park Chan-wook’s short film Night Fishing and his earlier feature Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, and the Project’s Baik Hyunjhin was in town last year for a performance at his solo art show at 43 Inverness Street. Uhuhboo was founded by Baik together with … [Read More]
High-rise Korean art at NEO Bankside from Choi and Lager
2012 has been a year when Korean art has emerged from the sterile white cube of the gallery to be displayed in real-life spaces. From working offices to inhabited domestic settings, it has been a good year for seeing art in places where you can live with and enjoy it on a daily basis rather … [Read More]
One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy: Art in Residence at NEO Bankside
This year, we have begun to see Korean art exhibited in more imaginative venues. Not the white cubes or the formal commercial or public galleries, but places where you can imagine artworks actually living and breathing: in a domestic space, or in an office reception. From Albemarle’s Korean Art show at Moor House to ISKAI’s … [Read More]
A quick tour of this month’s Korean First Thursday openings
The First Thursday of every month in the London art scene is when many galleries tend to have their official openings – when you can tour loads of galleries, get a glass of wine at each one, get to meet the artist, mingle with all the visitors and maybe get to see some of the … [Read More]
Hyunjhin Baik – Solo Exhibition at 43 Inverness Street
The first UK solo exhibition of the South Korean artist, Hyunjhin Baik. This will showcase the prominent Korean visual artist and musician Baik whose voice has been used for three of Pina Bauchs late works and whose music has been used in the soundtracks of films directed by Chan-Wook Park. This will be his first … [Read More]
Baek Hyun-jhin’s Time of Reflection and other recent music links
Some recent music links: The Guardian continues its series on the North Korean music scene: Pyongyang goes pop http://bit.ly/gIQhx1 # RT @indiefulrok: Don’t know who all of those Korean Music Awards 2011 winners were? Find out here: http://t.co/nIotYeD #kindie # via @refresh_daemon: So glad that Baik Hyunjhin took some time to reflect. init_music: 백현진 – … [Read More]
Kimchi juice: the art medium of the future – a visit to Give me Shelter at Union Gallery
I went to the “Give me Shelter” exhibition at the Union Gallery one lunchtime this week, as it’s only 15 minutes walk from my office. I’ll be going back again. Possibly the easiest works to relate to are the biggest and the smallest. Hyungkoo Lee‘s skeletal coyote and roadrunner occupied a whole room, atmospherically lit. … [Read More]
Exhibition news: Give me Shelter, at the Union Gallery
Thanks to Peter Corbishley who told me about this exhibition over a soju or two at the Anglo-Korean Society V&A evening. At the Union Gallery in Southwark there’s an exhibition of works – sculpture and paintings – by five emerging Korean artists, Hyunjhin Baik, Suejin Chung, Osang Gwon, Dongwook Lee and Hyungkoo Lee. Above is … [Read More]