I alternate my reading, on no systematic basis, between fiction and non-fiction, trying to maintain a balance between keeping up to date with the most important new publications and working through the guilt pile of past publications that I failed to read when they came out. I don’t have time to read much apart from … [Read More]
Author: Jo Kyung-ran (조경란 1969-)
Selected publications by Jo Kyung-ran
- Blowfish (복어, 2010) tr Kim Chi-young, Astra House 2025
- I Live in Bongcheon-dong (Bi-lingual, Vol 33 – Seoul) (나는 봉천동에 산다) tr Kari Schenk, Asia Publishers 2013
- Tongue (혀, 2007) tr Kim Chi-young, Bloomsbury 2009
Brief review: Kyung Ran Jo: Tongue
Kyung Ran Jo: Tongue Tr Chi-young Kim Korean version 2007 English version Bloomsbury 2009 A lightweight and enjoyable book set among the foodies and fashionistas of Kangnam. A talented young cook is ditched by her trendy architect boyfriend, and spends much of the book getting over it, in a way that is a pleasure to … [Read More]