London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

London Korean Festival 2006 – an introduction

The London Korean Festival 2006 was the last of the festivals organised by Oh Tae-min and his team, which included Stephanie Seung-min Kim who would go on to be the first curator at the Korean Cultural Centre before moving into the art curatorial world on her own. Previously working from within the Korean Anglican Community … [Read More]

Exhibition Visit: Traditional yet Contemporary

Air Gallery, London, May 29 – June 3 2006 As Stephanie Seung-min Kim says in her article introducing the exhibition, “…culture can only be seen in a clear light when compared with other cultures. I believe that is why Korean ceramic works have to be judged more in an international setting.” The exhibition demonstrated the … [Read More]

Korean Ceramics – Traditional Yet Contemporary

One of the highlights of this year’s Korean festival is likely to be the exhibition at Air Gallery, 32 Dover Street, London W1S 4NE, 29 May 2006 – 3 June 2006 — juxtaposing the work of contemporary British potters with the work of modern Korean ceramic artists. Stephanie Seungmin Kim, curator of the show, explains. … [Read More]

Gig review: Crying Nut play the Mean Fiddler

What can one say about Crying Nut? Anarchic, mad, joyous. They opened the 2006 London Korean Festival last night in great style. While most of the audience was Korean, it was good to see some unaccompanied westerners at the gig, who seemed to be enjoying the show. Maybe they were there to support the backup … [Read More]