For about four years Bona Shin of Theatre for All has been getting to know some of the British veterans from Korean War, particularly those based in the Virginia Water area; and as she got to know them she decided to collect some of their memories and preserve them in documentary form. The resulting two … [Read More]
Venue: Theatre4All
Press preview: Two Korean War documentaries
For a while now Theatre for All have been working with British Korean War veterans, gathering their memories. Some of the fruits of their labours will be revealed this Thursday, the 65th anniversary of the start of the war, in a press preview in Kingston. You can register for the screenings at Eventbrite. Premiere screenings: … [Read More]
The Korean Information Centre is launched
Theatre for All’s ambitious project, the Korean Information Centre (KIC), has been set up to help the Korean community by increasing access to information and to promote integration. Aim: To build a healthier and happier Korean community by transcending cultural barriers. Objectives: To integrate with the local community To increase access to information To empower … [Read More]
Paul Lee’s painstaking, zen-like works
A group show in a Mayfair gallery last week featured the work of Korean artist Paul Lee alongside western artists Hanna ten Doornkaat and Rachel Pearcey. Lee’s work went particularly well with that of Hanna ten Doornkaat, studies in repetition of line and geometry which remind one of the dot-paintings of Kim Whanki. Lee’s work … [Read More]
DRAWINGS by Paul Lee – Rachel Pearcey – Hanna ten Doornkaat in Shepherds Market
Notice of a one-week exhibition coming up in Shepherds Market: Drawings, by Paul Lee, Rachel Pearcey, Hanna Ten Doomkaat THEATRE FOR ALL RSVP to [email protected] 13 – 19 January 2014 Preview Night 14th January 2014 6pm – 9pm 54 The Gallery | 54 Shepherds Market | Mayfair | London W1J 7QX Monday – Friday … [Read More]
Mask dance and K-pop covers at the Kingston Korean Festival
During the Olympics, the Korean Tourism Organisation has been sponsoring a K-pop vocal and dance workshop in Chelsea Town Hall. The results were on show today at the 15th annual Korean Festival organised by the Korean Residents Society. I think I managed to miss all the traditional performances this year – the otherwise informative programme … [Read More]
Kayageum and lion dance at Kingston Summer Breeze
Kayageum and Guitar duo Kaya, featuring Jung Ji-eun (kayageum) and Jeon Sung-min (guitar) will be performing at the Summer Breeze event in Kingston’s Cranbury Gardens (KT2 5AU) near the Bandstand, on Saturday 4 August. There will also be a Korean lion dance from the Bongsan Mask Dance Group. The event runs 12:00 – 6:00 pm. … [Read More]
My Love DMZ comes to Kingston
“Love” and “DMZ” do not often appear together in the same sentence. But this is the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War, and there’s a special production as part of the New Malden Arts Festival on 20th July. And in a special deal, LKL readers will get free admission to the performance … [Read More]
Nanta: Catch it while you can
It’s impossible not to admire the hard-working, multi-talented Koreans who perform in the energetic shows like Breakout (2007), Jump (2002), and, the original, Nanta (1997), which is currently showing at the Rose Theatre. And it’s impossible not to be entertained. There’s probably little to say about Nanta which hasn’t already been said. The performers are … [Read More]
Yoon Bok-hee: a Korean Kitten in Kingston
“Aigoo!” grumbled veteran pop diva Yoon Bok-hee as she bent down to untangle a kink in the microphone cable. Her back didn’t seem to be giving her any problems though. She told us twice, to much applause, that she is now 63 years old, and very sprightly she is too. This was all part of … [Read More]
Nanta comes to the Rose Theatre
Readers who are familiar with Jump and Breakout will need no persuasion to come along to Nanta as part of the New Malden Festival. Koreans seem to specialise in high energy non-verbal performances with a wide international appeal, and Nanta is no exception. It won the top prize at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1999 … [Read More]
Yoon Bok-hee comes to Kingston
Koreans seem to keep some of their favourite stars well hidden from the West. Google singer Yoon Bok-hee in English, and you don’t find much. The Kpopwiki is able to provide a discography but no biography, while the occasional article in the Korea Times mention her only in passing: recently for performing the role of … [Read More]
3rd New Malden Arts Festival
Details of the 3rd New Malden Arts Festival, organised by Theatre For All. Date: 16 June 2009 ~ 11 July (4 weeks) Organised by: Theatre For All ( Supported by: Kingston Council, Korean Cultural Centre UK, ASIANA AIRLINES 16th June YOON BOK HEE OPENING GALA CONCERT 16th June – 27th June NANTA (Cookin’) – Rose … [Read More]
Homeless Penguins come to town
The theme of this year’s New Malden Arts Festival is the quirky “Homeless Penguins Come to Town”. The homeless penguins parade through New Malden on 14 June is designed to raise awareness of their natural habitat being destroyed by global warming. The festival itself runs from 2 – 22 June. Despite its location, and despite … [Read More]
London Korean Festivals 2008
It’s only early March, and I’ve already noticed that people are googling for “London Korean Festivals” in 2008. So here is a list of all potential Korean events in the London area in 2008 which have “Festival” in their title. This is obviously a work-in-progress post; with luck it will, over time, answer all your … [Read More]