I’m looking forward to this particular seminar at SOAS. Andrew Killick’s book on Hwang Byungki is published by Ashgate (September 2013). You can read LKL’s 2010 interview with Hwang Byungki here. Hwang Byungki: Traditional Music and the Contemporary Composer in the Republic of Korea Andrew Killick (University of Sheffield) Date: 17 October 2014, 5:15 – … [Read More]
Publisher: Ashgate
Selected publications
- Hae-kyung Um: Korean Musical Drama: P’ansori and the Making of Tradition in Modernity 2016
- Keith Howard: SamulNori: Korean Percussion for a Contemporary World 2015
- Simon Barker: Korea and the Western Drumset: Scattering Rhythms 2015
- Andrew Killick: Hwang Byungki: Traditional Music and the Contemporary Composer in the Republic of Korea 2013
- Keith Howard, Lee Chaesuk, Nicholas Casswell: Korean Kayagum Sanjo: A Traditional Instrumental Genre 2008
- Simon Mills: Healing Rhythms: The World of South Korea’s East Coast Hereditary Shamans 2007
- Keith Howard: Preserving Korean Music: Intangible Cultural Properties as Icons of Identity 2006
- Keith Howard: Creating Korean Music: Tradition, Innovation and the Discourse of Identity 2006
New books for the Spring
Three recent publications: First, a new book in the Korean Spirit and Culture series, produced by the aptly named Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project. This is their fourth, and is the first of two to explore Fifty Wonders of Korea. This volume covers Culture and Art, while the next one will cover Science and … [Read More]