It’s always worth turning up to an event when you know that book publishers are present. Brill, Saffron and Global Oriental were all present at the SOAS Korean publishing workshop on Monday. With Saffron selling their catalogue at half price on the night, and Global Oriental discounting everything to £20 (including the collected BAKS papers, … [Read More]
Publisher: Saffron
Selected publications
- Park Ynhui: Philosophy of the Nest tr Lee Min Goo 2015
- Cha Ik-jong, Min Byung-rae: Korean art treasures from the Ho-Am Museum tr Moon-ok Lee, Nicholas Duvernay 2010
- Choe Wansu: Korean True-View Landscape: Paintings by Chong Son (1676-1759) tr Roderick Whitfield, Youngsook Pak 2010
- Lee Dongju: The Beauty of Old Korean Paintings: A History and an Appreciation tr Kim Kyongsook, Robert Carrubba 2005
- Kim Bongryol: The Secret Spirit of Korean Architecture tr Kim Yongsuk 2005
- Korea Historical Research Association: A History of Korea tr Joshua Van Lieu 2005
- Heo Kyun: Gardens of Korea: Harmony with Intellect and Nature tr Don Baker 2005
Book review: A (minjung) History of Korea
Korea Historical Research Association (tr Joshua van Lieu) A History of Korea Saffron Books, 2005 It’s the 1980s. In Britain, leftist ideologues such as Red Robbo, Arthur Scargill and Derek Hatton had for years been railing against the government and the establishment using turgid language pilloried in satirical magazines, TV programmes and film1. Anyone who … [Read More]