London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Kim Suhee’s Ribbon of Error at the RCA

At the various group shows put on at the art colleges you can usually count on encountering more Korean artists than you were expecting, and the interim exhibition at the Royal College of Arts this weekend was no exception. I had gone along to see a performance of Kim Suhee’s work Ribbon of Error, and in addition came across Oh Younghu (who was in Hanmi Gallery’s group show a week or two ago); a brief animation by an artist whose name I managed not to take down; and an installation by Kim Ingeun.


Kim Suhee’s work was a musical score with random dots caused by a malfunctioning inkjet printer. Violinist Park Sookyung gave a heartfelt performance of the work, somehow creating some sort of order out of the chaotic blobs. The randomness of the occasion was somehow enhanced by the surrounding art installations, such as the floating sunglasses.