After a hectic autumn, the start of winter is a bit quieter. But there are still some things to enjoy:
- At King’s Place, the final Korea Sounds concert of the year is on 7 December.
- At the KCC, Son Hyemin’s and John Reardon’s show entitled Flat Flat Shiny Cat lasts until 22 December.
- At Pontone Gallery, Hwang Seontae’s show entitled Between Light and Space lasts until 24 December.
Talks and seminars
- At SOAS, the last seminars of the term are on the subject of 17th century Japan – Hogok Nam Yong-il’s Pusangnok (2 December) and International Migration, Migrant Integration, and Multiculturalism in South Korea (9 December)
- At the KCC, there’s a feature on Korean beauty tips and products on 8 December.
Everything else
- The monthly Sewol silent protest in Trafalgar Square (17 Dec) is supplemented by a Choigate protest in sympathy with the million+ protesting in Korea, at the statue of Eros on 4 December.
- At Trade Union, Thomas More Square, there’s a K-pop party on New Year’s Eve.