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Sokeel Park: Insight from working with North Korean defectors

A Guest Speaker event associated with the upcoming LSESU Korea Future Forum

Not Just Nukes: Insights from a decade working with North Korean defectors

Thursday 13 Feburary 2020, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
LSE Clement House Room 2.02 | 265 Strand | London WC2R 1DH
Admission free | Register via event’s Facebook page

Sokeel Park Not Just Nukes

LSESU Korea Future Association presents its first Guest Speakers Event – Not Just Nukes: Insights from a decade working with North Korean defectors. Our speaker Sokeel Park, South Korea Country Director for ‘Liberty in North Korea’, is looking forward to sharing his personal experience in working with North Korean defectors to empower North Korean refugees in their new lives.

Starting with an introduction into the organisation ‘Liberty in North Korea’ and his personal experience in working with an NGO, the event will end with an informal Q&A session to provide the audience with an opportunity to gain personal insight.

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