I’m hoping that, as in previous years, by posting my own list of upcoming literature and fiction titles – pulled together by some targeted searching on Amazon and a trawl through Barbara J Zitwer’s website – I might persuade others to supplement it from their own specialist knowledge. Whatever happens, books inevitably fall through the … [Read More]
Author: Kim Si-seup (김시습 1435-1493)
Selected publications by Kim Si-seup
- Tales of the Strange by a Korean Confucian Monk: Kŭmo sinhwa by Kim Sisŭp tr Dennis Wuerthner, University of Hawai'i Press 2020
Selected titles about Kim Si-seup
- Anthology: The Lives and Legacy of Kim Sisŭp (1435–1493): Dissent and Creativity in Chosŏn Korea ed Vladimir Glomb and Miriam Löwensteinová, Brill 2023
SOAS seminar: Remembering a dissident Confucian Monk
This is a seminar I’m particularly looking forward to, as I’ve been interested in the story of King Danjong since I came across the burial site of his placenta a few years ago. Remembering a dissident Confucian Monk: How Kim Sisŭp became Sŏlcham, and Sŏlcham the Boyi of Korea Dr Dennis Wuerthner (Ruhr-University Bochum) Friday … [Read More]