It was a busy year outside of my Korean interests, with the result that I didn’t read as much as I would like. And of the titles that I did read, I haven’t had a chance yet formally to write up my thoughts – though there are several half-written reviews which may eventually see the … [Read More]
Author: Shin Young-bok (신영복 1941-2016)
Selected publications by Shin Young-bok
- Reflections from Prison: 20 Years and 20 Days (감옥으로부터의 사색, 1988) tr Cho Byeong-eun, Jin Young-jong, Kim Hain, Meredith Victory 2022
Non-fiction titles expected in 2022: LKL’s picks
In previous years this post has been, to a greater or lesser extent, a list of every non-fiction title I could find that was going to be hitting the bookshops in the coming year. As the LKL Korea Book Database has grown in size, including its stock of future publications, there are now far too … [Read More]
Eighteen non-fiction titles we’re hoping to enjoy this year [updated]
Here are some of the books we’re looking forward to in 2021. For the first time in one of these posts we’re flagging the indicative cost of the titles listed here. For me, I have a psychological barrier at around £30: a book has to be offering something pretty special for me to be prepared … [Read More]