Minjung Theology is introduced here through theological biographical sketches of its main representatives. They formulated a protestant liberation theology under the South Korean military dictatorship of the 1970s and 80s. Their strong emphasis on the suffering (han) of the people (minjung) led them to the formulation of a genuine theology of the cross in Asia. Volker Küster explores the reception of Minjung Theology and raises the question what happened to it during the democratization process and the rise of globalization in the 1990s. Interpretations of art works by Minjung artists provide deep insights into these transformation processes. Prologue and epilogue abstract from the Korean case and offer a concise theory of contextual theology in an intercultural framework.
Rev. Dr. Volker Küster was born in 1962. Since 2002 he is Professor of Crosscultural Theology at the Protestant Theological University in Kampen (The Netherlands). Among his publications are: Theologie im Kontext, 1995; Jesus und das Volk im Markusevangelium, 1996 (Korean 2006); The Many Faces of Jesus Christ, 2001 (German 1999); God/Terreur, 2008.
Source: publisher’s website
Prologue: Theology In Context
Chapter One. People As The Subjects Of History
Chapter Two. Re-/Constructing Korean Identity The Minjung Culture Movement
Chapter Three. Theology And Biography Theological Identity Re/Constructed
Chapter Four. Jesus And The Minjung Ahn Byung-Mu (1922–1996)
Chapter Five. A Confluence Of Two Traditions Suh Nam-Dong (1918–1984)
Chapter Six. Fools For Christ’s Sake Hyun Young-Hak (1921–2004)
Chapter Seven. Theology As A Social Biography Of The Minjung Kim Yong-Bock (*1938)
Chapter Eight. A Plea For A Survival-Liberation Centered Syncretism Chung Hyun-Kyung (*1956)
Chapter Nine. Contextual Challenges Minjung Theology In Intercultural Perspective
Chapter Ten. Contextual Transformations Minjung Theology Yesterday And Today
Epilogue: Contextual Theologies As Open Systems
Bibliography On Minjung Theology