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North Korean Defectors in a New and Competitive Society: Issues and Challenges in Resettlement, Adjustment, and the Learning Process

Publisher: , 2015
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From the publisher’s website:

Ongoing ideological or political conflicts in the modern world have led to appalling human rights violations against North Korean defectors who attempt to escape from their repressive country and seek freedom. Although some North Korean defectors have survived the life-threatening escape journey and arrived in free countries, their overwhelming challenges have not yet ended, as they now face a range of issues and challenges in resettlement, adjustment, and learning process in new and competitive societies. North Korean Defectors in a New and Competitive Society articulates several hurdles that North Korean defectors encounter, from their long journey of escape to assimilation in their new homes. This book seeks to raise international awareness of human rights violations against North Koreans, and to emphasize the importance of helping them overcome the substantial cultural gaps between North Korea and their new homes.

Ahlam Lee is assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Human Resource Development at Xavier University.


Chapter 1: Rationale for Supporting North Korean Defectors
Chapter 2: The Journey of North Korean Defectors from the North to Free Countries
Chapter 3: The Issues and Problems Defectors Face in a New Society
Chapter 4: South Korea Government Support for North Korean Defectors
Chapter 5: North Korean Defectors Who Sought Asylum and Resettled in Other Countries Beyond South Korea
Chapter 6: Implications for Practice and Future Research
Chapter 7: Conclusion

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* Where the book is available from a number of sources, they are prioritised as follows: (1) Amazon UK site, or for the more recent uploads (2) Amazon US site (3) Other sites in US or Europe, including second-hand outlets (4) LTI Korea, where the title is advertised as available from there (5) Onlines stores in Korea. Links to and Amazon UK site contain an affiliate code which, should you make a purchase, gives a small commission to LKL at no additional cost to you.