London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

How not to sanitize your cash

There’s a lovely item in today’s Korea JoongAng Daily about a report by the Bank of Korea (including the above image) on how people have been attempting to disinfect their banknotes to protect themselves from Covid-19. Putting them in the washing machine and then the tumble dryer, or microwaving them, is not recommended. “The central … [Read More]

The advance of Korea’s longevity

According to a study by Imperial College London and the World Health Organisation, “average life expectancy is set to increase in many countries by 2030 – and will exceed 90 years in South Korea.” The press release accompanying the report revealed: The five countries with the highest life expectancy at birth for men in 2030 were: … [Read More]

Looking back at 2015: Domestic news

Our final look back at 2015: mainly domestic news stories from South Korea. In the news After 62 years of adultery being a criminal offence in the ROK, the constitutional court decided to decriminalise it by a vote of 7 to 2.  Four out of ten married Korean males heaved a sigh of relief  and shares … [Read More]

Busan will be extinct before Seoul, apparently

The report doesn’t seem to have been translated into English yet, and I can’t find it in Korean on the website of the National Assembly Research Service, but it has certainly provided some eye-catching headlines, the general gist being that “South Koreans will be ‘extinct’ by 2750 if nothing is done to halt the nation’s … [Read More]

Is this for real? I’m so dead!

“A fine for a person who exposes his or her skin is too much. Is this for real? I’m so dead!” Lee Hyori is said to have tweeted in this week’s non-story. Park Geun-hye’s cabinet approved a revision on 11 March that regulates certain “inappropriate” social behavior such as stalking and public indecency, which includes … [Read More]

Looking back at 2012: Domestic news

In our final round-up of Korea-related stories which caught our eye in 2012, we look at domestic and business news. Modern Life and how to escape it. Korea came 24th out of 34 leading countries in an OECD quality of life index, coming bottom of the class in job security and gender income inequality and … [Read More]

Seoul’s host bars

Lucy Williamson on an interesting emerging phenomenon in Seoul: host bars, where women pay for men’s company. First on the Today Programme (15 August), then on Crossing Continents (16 August), now in the Magazine (18 September) [Read More]

Korea and the tsunami

Some links relating to Korea’s response to the Japanese tsunami Korean Entertainers Step Up to Help Japan (Chosun Ilbo) Even anti-Japan groups join the aid bandwagon – (JoongAng Daily) Putting aside negative feelings toward Japan – A former comfort woman calls for philanthropic aid to neighbor Quake moves Japan further away from … [Read More]

The attractions of North Korean restaurants

If ever you're on holiday in Cambodia this looks like the restaurant to visit. A North Korean noodle restaurant known for its beautiful waitresses – including the “North Korean Kim Tae-hee:” # …but if you work in South Korea you haven't got long to get there: an average of only 4.1 days for your … [Read More]