London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

2019 Travel Diary #1: Seoul

This year I decided to ease myself into the Korea trip gently: an evening plus a half-day in Seoul before heading off to visit friends elsewhere on the peninsula. I didn’t know how much energy I’d have when I landed, but had made tentative arrangements to meet up with London-based artist Bongsu Park, possibly with … [Read More]

The London Korean Links Awards 2013

Now in its eighth year, here are the LKL Awards 2013. The year has been both good and bad from LKL’s perspective. Good because there seem to have been more events, more books, more films and more music than ever before as Korean culture gets more and more public attention. And bad because our day … [Read More]

Shin Meekyoung’s 2013

We haven’t done proper write-ups of all Shin Meekyoung’s exhibitions this year – she’s simply been too busy, like us. To make up for this omission, here is a round-up of photographs of some of her installations. All photos are by LKL except where stated – we got to see her work in Seoul, Venice … [Read More]

Meekyoung Shin shortlisted for Korea Artist Prize 2013

Congratulations to London-based Meekyoung Shin, who is on the shortlist for the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art’s Artist of the Year 2013. She’s recently been in Korea, overseeing the installation of a version of her Duke of Cumberland equestrian soap sculpture in the grounds of the museum in readiness for the opening of … [Read More]

Exhibition visit: Who is Alice? – Works from the MMCA collection at Spazio Lightbox, Venice

In previous years, the Venice Biennale has featured a number of Korea-related shows as collateral events scattered around the islands, giving a dedicated visitor the opportunity to walk through the backstreets and explore the vaporetto network while enjoying new artworks. In 2013 most of the Korean artists were gathered together in one place, in an … [Read More]

Who is Alice? – MMCA’s Biennale Collateral event

The Venice Biennale always has some Korean artists participating in collateral events, but this is the first time I can think of that there has been a major government-sponsored initiative. This special exhibition features works from the permanent collection of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. Exhibition announcement courtesy of the MMCA. Who … [Read More]

The London Korean Links Awards 2012

The seventh eclectic and highly personal commemoration of the best of the past year. Personality of the Year Runner up There were plenty of personalities in the South Korean Olympic team, particularly the pistol shooters, archers and the gymnasts. But the athlete that everyone will remember is fencer Shin A-lam, cheated out of a place … [Read More]

2012 Travel Diary 1: Dansaekhwa – Korean Monochrome Painting at the Museum of Contemporary Art

Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, Saturday 24 March 2012. Whenever I come to Seoul I always try to get to Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon to visit the National Museum of Contemporary Art. Even if there isn’t a particularly interesting special exhibition on (and that’s rare), their permanent collection is always worth a browse. This time, the special … [Read More]

Dansaekhwa: Korean Monochrome Painting, at MMCA Gwacheon

A major retrospective of possibly modern Korea’s most representative artistic style: Dansaekhwa: Korean Monochrome Painting National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon 17 March – 13 May 2012 Highlights Korean monochrome paintings from the 1970s to the present in the largest such exhibition in Korea. Landscape of the mind as embodied by monochrome painters … [Read More]